WSF Thematic Workshop on Welfare State Attitudes – “The Social Legitimacy of Our Future Welfare State” just took off in Gothenburg, Sweden

From today until February 24, 45 researchers from 10 different projects inside the Welfare State Futures Network come together at the University of Gothenburg to present their theories, methods and findings of recent studies on welfare relevant attitudes, opinions and preferences at the NORFACE WSF Thematic Workshop “The Social Legitimacy of Our Future Welfare State”.

Prof. Ellen Immergut, NORFACE Welfare State Futures Scientific Program Coordinator

Within the next two days and in 24 paper presentations, members of the projects 4Is, FACSK, FPRWS, GiWES, HEALTHDOX, HESTIA, HiNEWS, MIFARE, MobileWelfare and WelfSOC discuss the latest developments to advance globally excellent theoretical and methodological disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and comparative research on Welfare State Futures and develop understanding and promote research-based knowledge and insight into Welfare State Futures for issues of societal, practical and policy relevance, with theoretical foundations. A full program with all topics covered at the ongoing workshop can be downloaded here.

Prof. Peter Taylor-Gooby, WelfSOC Project Leader

The program today has started with a short introduction by Prof. Ellen Immergut, Scientific Program Coordinator of the NORFACE Welfare State Futures Program and a project presentation session to fascilitate pan-european networking between the different WSF Projects and inform about their latest developments.